Shilshole Bay Webcam

The Shilshole Bay Webcam faces southwest over Puget Sound.

The Shilshole Bay webcam was set up and is maintained by the Ballard Elks Paddle Club. Please contact the paddle club for info.

Enjoy sunsets over Shilshole Bay, Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains.  Also ideal for ship spotting, storm watching, freighter surf, checking tides and marine weather as well as watching Ballard Elks Paddling Club races.Watch the cam at night during Fourth of July and New Year’s festivities across Puget Sound.  Also watch the West Point Lighthouse light flash.

Note: The sound is turned off. If you can’t see the video above, view the Shilshole Bay Webcam on YouTube.

Shilshole Bay Marine Weather & Tide Guide

NOAA Meadow Point Tides (Golden Gardens, 1.5 miles north)

NOAA Weather Station at the West Point Lighthouse (left frame of cam)

Track Ships with Marine Traffic

NW Marine Weather and Wind Forecasts:  Windy and WindAlert

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