Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, North District – May 2021
Apple Rules and Guidelines
Each Lodge has an Apple and Stand presented to them by the Past District Deputies of the North District and other parties since the origin of the program. The intent of this presentation is to encourage and increase inter-lodge visitations.
The apple(s) should be displayed in a prominent location not under lock and key in their current lodge of residence.
“Rules of the game:”
- Upon visitation to another lodge in the district, the visiting lodge may “lay claim” to the visited lodge’s apple.
- The visitation must include attendance at, a lodge meeting or an “official lodge function,” i.e. a dance, picnic, or other function.
- A “contingent of visitors” consists of six (6) or more members/associate members and/or officers from the same lodge.
- The visiting lodge’s representative makes a “claim” to an apple under “good of the order”, or to the Exalted Ruler/Lodge Representative, at the lodge function; custody will be released as soon as practical.
- The base stays in the home lodge, only the apple changes possession.
- It is suggested a log be kept of your apple’s location – Download Here
- To reclaim/retrieve their apple, the lodge must take a contingent (see rule #1b) to the lodge that is holding their apple. Under “good of the order” or during the function, request the return of your apple and your apple will be cheerfully returned.
- The retrieval of your apple should be of the utmost priority.
- A third party lodge may make a claim to another Lodge’s apple being “temporarily held”, only if:
- You are in possession of your own lodge’s apple.
- The lodge being visited has another lodge’s apple and has held said apple for a period of more than 30 days. There should be a log for tracking dates and apples for clarification of eligibility. Download Here
- A lodge may make more than one visit to a given lodge function for more than one apple if the contingences are totally unique in members attending.
- Should more than one lodge be visiting at the same meeting or event, the visiting lodge with the largest contingent gets to lay the claim to the apple. In the event of a tie in numbers, flip a coin for apple rights.
- All Lodge and (P)DDGER apples will be brought with the required officers to the District Deputy Clinics and both State Conventions. There will be a blind draw for new apple possession at the convention caucuses. Lodges that are in possession of more than one apple should bring all apples that they have with them and the lodges that are “missing” their apple can regain custody for a $25.00 donation to the charity of the D.D.’s choice. (Note the benefit of following rule #3. Saves you $25.00!)
Remember the intent of this “game” is to encourage visitations, raise a little money for our charities, and most importantly return the fun to Elkdom. I hope to see you getting out and visiting our other lodges.
It is suggested that a copy of these rules remain with the apple base. Download Here
The District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler and
PDDGER Marc deLeuze have “personal” apples!
These are a coveted item and not as easy to get and admittedly easier for the DDGER/Marc to get back. (This is a small payback for the hours that they spend performing their job.) The DDGER’s/Marc’s apple will be kept at their residence. (Unless they choose to leave it in the custody of their Lodge.)
“Rules of the game:”
- When developing the plan to get the (P)DDGER APPLE contact him/her and request the presence of the (P)DDGER and their apple at a specific function at their home Lodge. At the function the visiting lodge may “lay claim” to the (P)DDGER’s apple.
- The visitation must include attendance at, a lodge meeting or an “official lodge function,” i.e. a dance, picnic, or other function.
- A “contingent of visitors” consists of twelve (12) or more members/associate members and/or officers from the same lodge.
- The visiting lodge’s representative makes their “claim” to the (P)DDGER when appropriate at the lodge function; custody will be released as soon as practical.
- To reclaim/retrieve their apple, the (P)DDGER must attend a function at the lodge that is holding his/her apple. Under “good of the order” or during the function, they will request the return of their apple and the apple will be cheerfully returned.
- A “contingent of visitors” for the (P)DDGER is him/herself and their significant other. (Yes, admittedly easy.) (You all know Marc; you really think he is going to come to your Lodge with two people?!)
- A claim to another Lodge’s apple may be made in conjunction with the claiming of the (P)DDGER apple, only with his/her prior agreement.
- Should more than one lodge be pursuing the (P)DDGER apple at the same meeting or event, the visiting lodge with the largest contingent gets to lay the claim to the apple. In the event of a tie in numbers, flip a coin for apple rights.
- If a Lodge is in possession of the (P)DDGER’s apple at the time of a DD Clinic it will be brought to the clinic and the (P)DDGER can regain custody for a $30.00 donation to the charity of the carrying lodges choice. (More to lose if the (P)DDGER does not get their apple back!)
The (P)DDGER can be a member of the contingent of six to another lodge for a lodge apple but cannot go with his/her significant other and gather apples. His/her apple is the only apple that can be retrieved with only two people.
It is suggested that a copy of these rules remain with the Lodge’s apple base along with the “Lodge Rules”. Download Here