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Ballard Elks Lodge #827 “Elk of the Month” Recognition Program
- Nomination Forms can be downloaded from the lodge website at
- All Ballard Elks Members are eligible to be nominated
- Anyone can submit a nomination form
- Nominees and winners of other organization/program recognition programs are also eligible for Elk of the Month honors.
- Teams are considered as one collective nominee, with all members sharing in the recognition
- One individual or team winner will be selected per month
- No limit to the number of times/frequency a nominee can be considered or win Elk of the Month
- Submittal of nomination forms can be made email, hand carried, or submitted via snail mail
— Please send electronic forms to
− Deliver printed forms to the lodge office
− Snail Mail to the Lodge: Ballard Elks Lodge #827
Attention: Exalted Ruler
6411 Seaview Ave NW
Seattle, Washington 98117
- Nominations must be received by the 19th of each previous month to be considered for that month
- All decisions made by the Selection Committee are final
- Each Ballard Elks Lodge “Elk Of The Month” Honoree will receive – (Subject to Change):
- Elk of the Month Certificate
- $12.00 Elks Lodge #827 Social Quarters Gift Certificate
- Newsletter Article
- Awards will be presented to honorees, at the last regular meeting each month (subject to their