A Statutory Required Committee
Membership Committee
Chair: Shana Jackson (2021-2022)
Membership Recruitment
- Expose our lodge to our community through community evolvement
- Participation in Parades, Fairs, Scouting events, etc
- Encourage Reinstatement of members
- Instill organization and accountability in our initiation process
- Develop a list of prospects by looking at lists of local professionals and contact them about joining our order.
- This is an item in the manual and can be useful but a low priority in our current situation
- Get a list of members eligible for reinstatement into our lodge
- Contact them with information about how they can reinstate
- Emphasize the desire to have them a member of our lodge again.
- Build the New Member packets that are given to each new member after initiation
- Work with the Orientation group to make sure there are materials in this packet that not only educate the new member about the Elks but educates them about our lodge in particular
- Be in attendance at Interview night
- Actively help our lodge secretary check in people for interview
- Utilize Paypal Here on your smart phone to run credit cards for prorated dues
- Be in attendance at Initiation Night
- Make sure every candidate being initiated fills out a contact form, legibly, to verify their information – Name, Address, Email, Phone, how they want to receive the newsletter.
- Actively help the person from the Fraternal committee that is orienting the candidate for initiation.
- Become a CLMS2web staff person
- Receive a login that you will use through elks.org on your computer to help our lodge secretary inputting member information to our Elks database
Membership Orientation
- Expose New and Long Time members to the camaraderie available through membership
- Open avenues to participation in lodge events and committees
- Instill a sense of pride in the member as they become more involved in and more educated about our lodge
- Monthly Ask the newbie column in the Antlers – (thank you Pam, great idea)
- Members should be invited to a quarterly orientation and told they can/should bring their spouses and/or friends to this orientation. Proposers of recently initiated members should be invited if possible to the initiation.
- Possible Topics to cover
- State Association and their aims and goals and how to keep up to date through the waelks.org website
- Organizational Flow chart for the lodge – show them who to go to with committee questions
- Available items at our facility
- Social Activities
- Lodge Charitable work and how we raise funds
- Mandatory services of the lodge – mother’s day, elks memorial, Flag Day, etc…
- Emphasize the fellowship and camaraderie aspects
- Close the meeting with a reminder about the next initiation and the initiation dinner and how they can help
- Offer a tour of the building if possible
Membership Lapsation
- Encourage members to pay their dues before April 1 each year
- Open avenues of conversation with Delinquent members
- Streamline the use of our facility by members during the time after April 1 each year
- Delinquency Defined
- A members Delinquency begins on the first day of the year, April 1, if they have not paid their dues
- Thirty days before the last meeting in March each year we mail a final notice to all delinquent members
- At the final meeting in March we read the delinquents names that are reaching 1 year delinquent and enter them in the minutes as dropped March 31
- After April 1 mail a letter to dropped members explaining the lodges actions and giving instructions for reinstatement
- Follow with a letter May 1 explaining the 30 day grace period has expired
Lapsation Committee Goals
- Reduce June 30th Delinquency to 10%
- Reduce September 30th delinquency to 5%
- Reduce March 31st of the following year delinquency to 2%
- Maintain year around watch and contact program on delinquency
- 60 days from dropping member ask their proposer to contact them
- 60/30 days out Look into lodge paid dues for members in need
- Become a CLMS2web staffer to enable use of and input of information in the Elks database
Volunteer to Help Out!
If you would like to volunteer to help with any of these positions please contact us and volunteer to help out! membership@ballardelks.org