It’s time to become an Associate Member!
Why Become an Associate Member of Ballard 827?
You are a member in good standing at another Elks Lodge yet you enjoy coming to our Ballard lodge, you appreciate what we do and represent and you plan on visiting our social quarters regularly and even may come to our lodge meetings. If you agree with any of this previous sentence that is exactly why you should become an associate member.
Cost: $50.00
Upon completing the application our Secretary will verify your membership status in your home lodge and then pass the application on to our house committee for approval. Once approved you will be issued an associate membership card and a parking sticker. You will be put on the lodge newsletter mailing list and will have your name put in the attendance pot for the Lodge meetings.
You’ll be eligible to win up to $827 just for coming to our lodge meetings!
You will receive all rights and privileges of a regular member in our social quarters. You in turn will be required to abide by the Ballard Lodge’s House rules.