Ballard Elks Lodge #827
WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO APPLY: Applicant must be a U.S. Citizen, live in the greater Seattle area, and pursuing a vocational/technical education.
Proof of registration at a school/program must be provided to the Ballard Elks prior to funds being distributed. Funds may only be used for the required costs of applicant’s planned course of study (tuition, fees, books, supplies) and will be paid directly to the school or program attending.
While the terms profession and vocation are often used interchangeably, the following is provided as a general guide when reviewing applications;
A profession is one that is typically earned through a four year or longer course of study at the university level. Examples are: accounting, law, teaching, architecture, nursing*, pharmacy, medicine, finance, the clergy and engineering.
A vocation is generally thought of as requiring a certain amount of physical skill along with technical knowledge. Examples are: pipe fitting, sheet metal, machinist, electrician, electronics, HVAC/heating and cooling specialist, auto and diesel mechanic, bricklayer, carpenter, cement mason, insulator, barber, hair stylist, etc. The technical knowledge is normally attained through a trade school or community college.
*nursing at the LPN level (Licensed Practical Nurse) can be accepted as vocational. However, RN (Registered Nurse) should be considered a profession and is not eligible.
These definitions are provided as general guidance when determining whether a person should be applying for a Vocational Grant.
- Applications and all supporting documents must be in English.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered
- Submit online application at and attach the following:
- Proof of registration for vocational program (if enrolled at time of application).
- One letter of recommendation from a current or former instructor, or employer.
- Two references that are available by phone.
- School transcripts, Armed Forces, Vocational Aptitude, GED test scores and grade or work records may be included
- Any copies of exhibits of achievement in scholarship, leadership, athletics, community service or other activities.
- Do not include photos of applicant
- MOTIVATION & SKILLS- Showing aptitude for chosen vocation
- APPLICATION- completed according to instructions
- Award is subject to cancellation or withdrawal if applicant’s conduct is contrary to the principles of law and morality supported by the Elks.
- By submitting an application, the applicant approves publication of name and photo
in the Elks newsletter